The Farseer Trilogy

The Farseer Trilogy

Yes, I know, it’s been too long since I have written anything. So here I am, back, and talking about the two books that I read like a week ago or maybe it’s been longer. I can’t remember. There is just so much to read and so little time. I think its every reader’s problem. Anyway, let me start by telling you that I love Robin Hobb.

She has now entered my list of favourite writers, and there are many. I also can’t remember how many at this moment. He has created magic with his Farseer Trilogy. To give the world a person like FitzChivalry and expect them to accept him is just not a simple thing to do. The imagination and creativity that has gone into creating this book is spellbinding. You have to read it to know what I’m talking about.

When I read The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt, I didn’t think there could be a book that I would be able to love as much as I did that. But here I am, being true to myself by admitting that there is. Actually, usually when I am done with an amazing book, I feel this way. I felt so after Harry Potter, A Song of Ice and Fire (btw, when is Winds of Winter coming out? I’m dying here), The Goldfinch. I have decided to just name a few for now and leave it at that.

Getting back to why you should be reading The Farseer Trilogy- if you have read my post on The Assassin’s Apprentice, you must have already guessed that I am gonna go all crazy about Robin Hobb. If you haven’t, then go read it NOW. I love HER. Yes, I know it’s a pen name but let me just fall in love with who I want to fall in love with.

The Farseer Trilogy is a fantasy novel that must not be missed. It brings to you a man named FitzChivalry, who is everything that you expect him to be and much more. At the start of the book, you will not be able to fathom the importance it is going to have in your life. Not only while you read but even after you’re done. (Look at me, I am reading Dan Brown at the moment and still going cuckoo about this book. What does it say, really?)

He is a normal person, he has got no enormous power (powers he has is enjoyed by a few others as well- now I’m not saying that he has a lot of powers- oh just go read the book already!) and he is loyal to those he loves. Crafted to fix something that can be fixed by no other, he follows his duties to the very end. This is a book that goes in the list of ‘not to be missed, EVER’.

I am thankful to those instagrammers who posted about the book. If I haven’t said it yet, allow me- I LOVE YOU PEOPLE AND I OWE YOU ONE! And, if you’re not already following me on instagram and would love to be regularly updated about the books I am reading then click here and you’ll see what I am up to.

For all those who have read the book, tell me how you felt! Would love to hear from you guys..

The Assassin’s Apprentice

Assassin's Apprentice

Like I mentioned in my previous post, I bought ‘The Assassin’s Apprentice’ by Robin Hobb with ‘The Perks of Being a Wallflower’. I read ‘Perks’ first because The Farseer novels are a trilogy. Imagine having all the three novels of a trilogy and then diverging midway to read a novel belonging to a completely different genre by a different author and in an extremely different way. Okay when I look at it like that, it seems quite welcoming. But the point is that I cannot stop reading a trilogy if all the three books are an arm’s length away. And ‘Perks’ was a small book that I could not have postponed reading.

After reading ‘A Song of Ice and Fire’, I never thought there would come such a fine book belonging to the same genre. I love the entire series of ‘ASOIAF’ and I’m desperately waiting to read ‘Winds of Winterfell’ as soon as George R. R. Martin bestows it upon us. In the meantime, I have kept myself occupied by other fantastic and beautifully written books.

Assassin's Apprentice

Coming back to my views about ‘The Assassins Apprentice’- it has been a welcome change. I never thought that I would enjoy fantasy being written by anyone else but this surely has been breathtaking. This is a book that is an adventure, an unending journey, to say the least. You read a book and you never anticipate how much it can offer you but it ends up consuming you and this is just one of those reads.

I do not want to convey the storyline to you because I hope that you are inspired enough to go on this appealing quest for yourself. As rough as the title may sound, know that there is an amazing storyline put together for the benefit of the reader. This is quite a different novel for someone like me because usually you expect a lot of bloodshed and head pounding when the fighting is on but this is different. This in no way means that there is no fighting here and quest for power because Duh! obviously there is.

This isn’t a book that you want to not read. It has everything, just everything. Take what it offers you, otherwise you will have missed something beautiful.