Endless books and Zero posts

I’m back!

I have not been able to write any post for quite some time now. I have been so occupied otherwise. I am going to try and make amends for that. Anyway, so after I went AWOL, I’ve been able to read quite a few books.

1. The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami: This was a book I was hell bent on trying. It confused me to the core and I could not understand what was happening for the most of it. By the end of it, I realised, I could either obsess over the story or enjoy the writing. I also met someone on the flight recently who strongly suggested Kafka on the Shore to me, by the same author. That has been included in my TBR and I’m hoping that you guys can make the time for this.

2. The Thorn Birds by Colleen McCullough: In 11th grade, I gave this book a go. My English professor was pretty adamant. I didn’t get through even 100 pages and dozed off for the most of it. I am glad that happened. When I read it this time, it was marvellous. How I understood it now, I don’t think I could have grasped it in that manner at that point in time. This is a novel that describes everything very well. You laugh and cry with the characters in the book and it’s beyond beautiful. A must read!

3. The Fault in Our Stars by John Green: I don’t think there is anything I can say about this particular book that has not been said before. I watched the movie earlier and hated it. I hated it so much that I even took out time to write about it. You can check out that post here.  Anyway, I heard a lot about it and thought that I should give it a go! The book I thought was beyond fantastic. It had so much more to give than the movie. Like always, the theory still stands- books are better than the movies.

4. The Little Friend by Donna Tartt: After reading The Goldfinch, I was sure I was gonna read all the books by this author. The first thing I did was to call for the two other novels, The Little Friend and The Secret History. I am still to read The Secret History but apparently it’s good and I can’t do anything but prolong it. The Little Friend on the other hand is pretty good. It took me quite some time to finish the book but on the whole, I liked it. It’s a good read!

5. The First Phone Call from Heaven by Mitch Albom: My first Mitch Albom novel was Tuesdays with Morrie. I absolutely loved that book. I read 2-3 other books of his and recently got my hands on this particular one. I have accepted that he is a good author, you cannot not like his books and they are a good way to spend some quality time reading. It’s not a fantastic read but a good one nonetheless.

6. Half Girlfriend by Chetan Bhagat: I have read all books by Chetan Bhagat in the past. I was surely not going to buy Half Girlfriend because everyone was much too blah about it. I am still not sure why I bought and why I read it. Don’t get me wring, it is not at all a bad read. It’s just that it’s only okay. Nothing great about it.

7. The Help by Kathryn Stockett: You watch an oscar winner, you come to know that it’s a book adaptation, you pick up the book! The Help has been on my TBR for forever. I am so so proud of myself for having read it. This is one of those books that is overpowering. You feel like doing something after you have finished reading this masterpiece. Kathryn Stockett has outdone herself and I suggest that if you haven’t already, then please go and grab yourselves a copy.

8. Gray Mountain By John Grisham: My first John Grisham novel ever and I was not disappointed. It felt good reading it. It has been on the bestseller list in my nearest bookstore and I had to pick it up. Unexpected, I must say! It is a good read.

These are all the books that I have read in the recent past. I recently finished The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini and am reading Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts. They deserve their own singular posts and I wish to do some justice by them. I am going to start finding time and updating this blog more frequently. I also am looking for suggestions if you’ll have got any.

I am busy making a TBR for 2015 these days. Oh btw, I wish you all a very very happy new year. I hope you get all you deserve and then some 🙂